Article: Buy Plants Online In Bangalore

Buy Plants Online In Bangalore
For every Bangalore dweller with a keen penchant for healthy gardening and the drive to live a more sustainable life with healthier food and lifestyle choices – there is the chance to grow your own garden – even in Bangalore’s temperamental climate.
Aravalii houses indoor plants by the dozen for you and your healthy lifestyle choices – plants to buy online in Bangalore for your very own indoor garden, balcony garden or terrace garden. An one-stop-shop for all your gardening needs across the country that will fulfill all your needs and requirements. All garden goods are readily accessible for purchase on – whether what you wish to create is an indoor garden of a vertical garden.
For all your green decor needs – buy plants online in Bangalore from Aravalii. Benefits of an Indoor Garden:A lush green garden adds more than just aesthetic elegance to your home decor and ambience. Not only is caring for plants a physical activity with health benefits but also a disciplining practice with nurturing abilities that contribute towards all around mental wellness – and not to forget gardening also reaps literal fruits (and vegetables!) of your efforts and labor!
Growing plants is one of the more interesting ways to gain some endorphins in your tightly packed week with no time for self care. It also results in the loss of calories! An absolute and wholesome win-win! Tending to plants or a patch of garden entails stretching and movements that contribute towards physical wellness while you nurture your plant friends.
The thing that blooms most heartily in gardens is the learning process. Gardening adds to your everyday lifestyle and personality by causing curiosity and fulfillment through gaining new information in a practical manner – like a real time classroom where the movement of life may be observed with the naked eye.
Gardening also carries a host of emotional benefits for us. One is able to create bonds and moments of value with family through tending to the garden together. Experts have noted that families are strengthened when working side by side with plants!
With the ever rising prices of foods like organic vegetables – it is only wise to figure a more sustainable and dependable solution. Indoor plants offer the opportunity to grow fresh, delicious food that is grown organically for a small portion of the prices in the market. Definitely a step up, wouldn’t you say? Fresh food only causes brighter health. And so gardening not only fulfills most of our senses but also helps us forge a tender and genuine bond with our food, causing its intake to be of more value and flavor.
Why Bangalore is the best city for indoor plants:
Bangalore is referred to as the country’s Garden City – famous for its lush green patches and beautiful weather. As a result of Bengaluru’s elevation above sea level, the climate is tropical savanna – with extremely clear dry and wet seasons through the majority of the year.
Bangalore witnesses highest temperatures of 35 degrees and can drop to minimum temperatures of about 15 degrees. This range allows for all plants to grow happily in the city while some wholly thrive in the environment.
Why do young people buy Plants online in Bangalore?
Based on a recent study, Millennials are the top ranking in purchasing plants online as compared to their parents. Not only do we see an influx of green decor while scrolling through instagram, it is also an inherent need for them to feel connected to nature through means of nurturing.
Green decor is most important for this generation because they spend the majority of their time with their heads inside gadgets and eyes glued to screens. Plant appreciation follows a simple rule of ABC – where A is for aesthetic, in relation to the beauty and that something extra that something beautiful adds to any space. B stands for biology as people enthralled by the process of a seed growing into a bud and onward – how they survive, what happens when they reproduce. C represents the companionship offered by the living, breathing being that is the plant. One grows to love and appreciate the relationship created with their plants – just like one does with their pet cats, dogs, fish, rabbits.
Plants are able to offer a sense of achievement to this age group that is otherwise rather uncertain, nervous and oftentimes, overworked. It seems the generation is too busy to be able to appreciate the fruits of their labor and so the small success from nurturing a living plant brings them immense joy and fulfillment.
Living in a world run by the internet and constant virtual presence and consequent voyeurism – there is a very real possibility of feeling alienated and isolated despite all of the noise. To top it all, urban living calls for the connection and reality of plant nurturing and indoor green spaces – allowing for mental health and physical engagement. Nothing is more joy-inducing than being able to buy a plant online in Bangalore and having it delivered to your doorstep by caring hands. The only effort involved in this process is the click of a button and voila – your green decor is home!
Why Indoor Plants & Gardening are the future:
Since the onset of the pandemic induced lockdowns, the world has been able to reassess individual priorities and consider real life changes to their way of living. One has become more mindful of what is consumed, what is wasted and how bad an impact it may leave in its wake. One is waking up to the reality of there being a better way to treat the body we inhabit and the world that surrounds it. People are keen to do more for the planet in attempts to mold a cleaner, better world for us and those who will follow.
It is always the better plan to venture into avenues that may allow for an opportunity to reconnect with nature. There is a level of mental equilibrium that is effortlessly maintained through any turbulence when one is able to tend to the likes of plants and vibe with nature. Gardening is known to help stay healthy and is a wonderful new hobby to indulge in.
It is always a wonderful idea to start a garden – whether indoors, on your balcony, terrace or backyard. It could be a small patch of land or a collection of planters just outside your window – however small one starts, the future is brighter with the inclusion of green growers in your midst. You from tomorrow will look back to you in utmost gratitude.
Buy Plants Online in Bangalore from Aravalii
High quality, well nurtured and earnestly loved indoor plants are available for purchase on – joyfully delivered to your door by caring hands. When one starts down the indoor plants avenue – there is no turning back. Buy once and you will only buy more and more because one can never have too many plants!
Aravalii’s online store offers not only quality plants but also handcrafted, ethically sourced planters to pair them with in a variety of different materials like ceramics, terracotta, metal and more. Along with the perfect product for one’s home, Aravalii offers the best service for every buyer and even a helping hand in the form of advice and listening to plant related worries of young plant parents. Strong and steady customer service is Aravalii’s defining quality.